What are the steps to learn ASP.NET?

narendra chinuu
Nov 20, 2020

It is very good to learn the ASP .Net from the basics. Because we should learn any new technology from their basics. You should be very strong in the basics of ASP .Net. Instead of studying from home by searching I suggest you, to learn from a trainer who explains all the basics and other advanced concepts detailly.

Please keep this in mind that your trainers should be a strong industrial expert who currently works in ASP .Net. While I search for such trainers, I found Hope Tutors. They are providing the best ASP .Net training with industrial field experts. Do you know one thing about them. Trainers are preparing the course syllabus and materials. This is the reason for them to provide industrial standard training.

Before starting asp dot net , start studying C# get familiar with c# as you are going to use c# as backend language for asp dot net , but in simple words let me construct a simple road map for you :

database ( ms sql sever )
web forms ( asp dot net )
ado dot net
entity framework
asp dot net MVC
while you studying asp dot net , study side by side JavaScript as will , implementation of JavaScript with asp dot net help you to develop a complete functional websites.

The steps that involve are:

Try to pick a language and read some books.
Create something and watch the ASP.NET from scratch MVC screencasts.
Read Some MVC Books.
Rewrite Something using the MVC Framework.
Follow the Masters.

Meet The Experts : https://nareshit.com/asp-net-mvc-online-training/

